6:45pm – We are experiencing an issue with this server currently, and all services are unavailable. If your services are on this server, you will be unable to access email or websites. We apologise for the inconvenience. We have reported the issue to the data centre, and are awaiting resolution to the issue.

7:06pm – The data centre has reported the issue as network related, and is investigating the issue. As we get more information, we will keep this page updated. Our server is running, but is inaccessible at the moment.

7:22pm – The data centre has resolved the issue temporarily to allow network connectivity again. We’re unsure at this point if there will be any further interruptions to service, so we will leave this issue open until we are sure. All services on bravo should now be accessible.

21:55pm – The network appears stable now, so this issue is being closed. We will open a new issue if it reoccurs.